We have updates to Tax1099 that we are excited to share with you. These changes are designed to streamline and enhance what our users already do to file information for payers and their recipients.
Updates to Tax1099 v2.78; v2.79
Enterprise Admins Can Grant Review/Approve Privileges to Data Entry Users
Enterprise users have more control over member user rights than ever before! Our latest update allows Admins to assign review and approve form privileges to their Data Entry Users. Here’s our guide to granting access.
Opt-Out of Unwanted Email Updates
Want to prevent endless update emails from us? All users can now opt-out of automated emails related to status updates on form submissions, TIN checks, and other processes. Find out how to do this here.
Decide When Your Forms Are Submitted To the IRS
Our Scheduled Date feature has been upgraded for our Enterprise users. Beginning with the 2023 tax season, those with access can now select their own schedule date for IRS submission related to certain form types (including W2s and 1099-NEC). Our Knowledge Base provides step-by-step guidance on this process.
Enterprise Admins Can Now Assign GroupIDs to Member Users
Admins in Enterprise can now assign GroupIDs to Member Users; making it easier to task payers and clients to a group of users instead of individually assigning them. More information on this process can be found here.
Remove API Access
Did you select API Access in error when signing up or exploring Tax1099? Users can now remove this feature without reaching out to support or clicking multiple pages. Go to Dashboard > API >
API Hub and under “Remove API Access” select “Disable API Key”.

Detailed Information on State Filing Guidelines
When entering state ID information, users now get a pop-up with a more detailed explanation of guidelines and charges related to state filing. Here is a preview:

Updates to Tax1099 v2.76; v2.77
Gather Previous Filing Receipts and Purchases Through Tax1099
Lose a receipt from your Tax1099 filing or need to grab it quickly? Our latest feature allows all users to gather receipts from previous form filings. Find this under Dashboard > Reports > Payment Receipts.

Create a Correction With Information From Previously Submitted Form
Need to file quick corrections on a couple of forms? Now users can use the drop-down options under the “Action” column in the Manage Forms screen to take a previously submitted form, populate all the previous information, and make corrections.

Search for Recipients with Additional Criteria When Creating Forms
When manually creating forms, all users can now search for recipients under criteria other than name. Under “Single Filing,” you can now use the DBA name, RTIN, or ClientID to search for recipients when entering filing data.

New Enhancements to Review Forms Screen
With Enterprise, data entry users no longer have to wait on Admins or create a new form for correction. This update now allows member users to access approved (under review approved forms) to fix specific forms.

Price Changes In Effect at Tax1099
As of August 1, 2023, our tiered pricing for federal filing and individual state filing has been updated. These changes reflect continued improvements and upgrades to the site, while maintaining the competitive pricing you’ve come to expect from Tax1099. Please refer to the changes here: https://www.tax1099.com/tax-1099-efile-pricing
IRS Deadlines Featured In New Form Section
Not sure when a form should be filed or want to make sure you’re ahead of the deadline? Use our handy feature in “New Form” to hover over the specific form type and see the e-file deadline for a specific form as well as the due date for the recipient statement.

Use Excel to Keep Track of Payer Submissions
Need to review your “Payer Submission History” in a flash? Our Export to Excel button now allows all users to review current and previous year submissions from the dashboard.

Edit and Update Member Users More Efficiently
It can be stressful thumbing through page after page of member users to add and delete them. With our Excel uploading, users can now add/delete member users and assign permissions more efficiently.

Updates to Tax1099 v2.74; v.2.75
Enhancements to Client IDs
We’ve now created an option for Enterprise users where Client Payer ID requirements can be required with the click of a checkmark. In addition, reviewers can also see the Client Payer ID in the Review/Approve Forms screen.