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Integrating FreshBooks Vendors with

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We’ve integrated with FreshBooks to provide customers a way to e-file 1099-MISC forms. Here’s how you can import your vendor data:

In FreshBooks

In FreshBooks, payment made to vendors are classified as “Expenses.” To view the payments, you can go to your Expense tab. You can also pull the expense report in the Accounting Reports menu.

The vendor name is the only personal data FreshBooks captures for the vendor. FreshBooks does not record the vendor’s address, EIN, phone number, etc. This leaves gaps in the information you need to file a 1099-MISC for the vendor.

You will be able to import the existing data, and fill in the gaps from within


Login to, and click on the Import tab. Under the Import tab, select “FreshBooks.” To confirm the integration, you’ll need to supply some data from your FreshBooks. In the “My Account” menu in FreshBooks, find your API URL and Authentication Token. Enter those items in When you click “FreshBooks Connect” in, the import will begin.

You will see an import grid in Red dots will appear in the payer and recipient rows. This signifies that more information is required. You can click on each payer and vendor to type in the required information.

If you’d prefer, you can skip the import and manually enter data. You can also choose to import from an Excel spreadsheet template. You can download the template from the Import tab in

E-file forms

Forms are due on March 31st. To give you the most time possible to make changes, we schedule forms to submit on March 31st. Edits can be made in until the scheduled date. You can change this scheduled date, if you’d like to do so. After the scheduled date of the forms has past, you must file a corrected form to make any edits to the filing.

We offer multiple vendor form delivery options. You can request USPS mail services from Another option is e-delivery. We offer e-mail and portal delivery. Our portal service includes the collection of opt-in statuses from your vendors. This follows the guidelines outlined in IRS Publication 1179. Lastly, you can download, print, and mail forms on your own. Vendor copies of forms can be downloaded from and printed on blank paper.

Why should you e-file with You can:

  • Integrate with FreshBooks and other leading accounting software
  • File forms/corrected forms year-round
  • Access your forms online at any time
  • Use prior-year filing for corrected forms or to bring a company into compliance
  • Deliver forms to recipients
  • Upgrade to Enterprise to control user rights and manage form workflow
Integrate your FreshBooks vendor data with Take advantage of a best-in-class e-filing solution.